Placenta Encapsulation
What Are The Benefits?
It is believed that consuming the placenta can:
Help balance your hormones
Prevent/ease postpartum depression
Replenish depleted iron levels
Assist the uterus to return to its pre-pregnancy state
Reduce post-natal bleeding
Increase milk production – this has been proven in a study
Make for a happier, more enjoyable post-natal period
Increase your energy levels
Baby blues can effect up to 80% of women within the first week of birth. Women who consume their placenta report fewer emotional issues and a more enjoyable babymoon. Who wouldn’t want that?!
Studies have shown that the placenta is extremely nutrient rich, high in iron, protein, vitamins and minerals, as well as your own natural hormones, making it perfectly created for you, by you. Experts agree that the placenta retains hormones, and thus reintroducing them to your system may ease hormonal fluctuations.
Placenta Encapsulation
Placenta encapsulation is the process of preparing a mother’s placenta directly following birth. Consuming one's placenta has been shown to replenish your body of what was lost during childbirth, as well as restore your overall balance. After separating the placenta from from the umbilical cord, it is rinsed, drained of maternal and fetal blood, soaked in lemon & ginger then
dehydrated, and powdered, to be placed into vegetarian, non-gelatin capsules for the mother to ingest.
Services Offered
Placenta Encapsulation $300 (add $75 for twins)
This special price is if you have someone drop it off and pick it up at Rebirth.
Placenta Encapsulation $350
This price includes pick up from hospital and delivery of the final product to your home.
Umbilical Keepsakes is free with purchase of encapsulation. Available upon request.
Each keepsake is a small piece of the umbilical cord dehydrated into either a spiral or heart shape.
What's the process?
1. Fill out the placenta registration form.
2. Please wait for us to contact you confirming we can accept your request.
3. Bring a small lunch pale type cooler with you to the hospital.
I suggest putting it in your car as soon as possible.
The hospital will provide ice.
4. Call us or text when you go into labor. We appreciate the heads up!
5. When you get to the hospital, tell your doctor or nurse you want to keep your placenta.
They will have paperwork for you to sign.
6. They will place your placenta in a container.
7. Place the container in the cooler. Fill the cooler with ice. The hospital will provide the ice.
8. Call us when the placenta is ready to be picked up.
9. We pick up the placenta as soon as we can. We are NOT on call 24/7.*
10. We process it as soon as we can. We deliver it within 2-3 days.
11. We deliver the finished product to you, and at that time the full payment is due.
* If we do not get there by the time the placenta needs to be out of the hospital per hospital policy, take the cooler home until we can pick it up.
If you buy a tincture as an add on, you will have to come pick it up at one of our 2 office locations when it is ready. The tinctures take 8 weeks for extracting.
Do you have any questions? Contact our Placenta Specialist! (209)331-0985
Frequently asked Questions
When should I call you to pick up the placenta?
Please call me and or text me as soon as labor starts. Call or text again once the placenta is ready to be picked up.
What do I do with the placenta at the hospital?
I suggest asking for any placenta release forms your hospital may have, and filling them out ahead of time.
Let your doctor know you plan to take your placenta home. BRING A SMALL COOLER WITH YOU TO THE HOSPITAL. The nurses will place your placenta in a sterile container or bag, then you can place your placenta in the cooler. The hospital will provide the ice. You may want to bring your own frozen ice packs to begin with as they are less messy. If you forget your cooler, place the container containing the placenta in a sink or babys bath tub (provided by the hospital) and place ice around it.
Do you pick up the placenta and deliver the finished product?
Yes, that is include in the total price of encapsulation of $325, within 20 miles from downtown San Diego. $2.50 a mile is charged for every extra mile. I can pick up the placenta from you, process it, and deliver it. You also have the option of dropping off the placenta and picking it back up. I can also process the placenta in your home. Please send an email with your preferences.
When is the placenta prepared?
Ideally, the placenta preparation takes place as soon as possible after delivery, within the first 72 hours, allowing you and baby to benefit from the most potency the placenta has to offer. The first two weeks are the most important and effective time to be taking the placenta; therefore, the sooner the better.
Where is the placenta prepared?
The placenta is processed in a sterile environment, using sterile equipment, with love and patience, giving you the greatest quality and care you can ask for. We adhere to the strictest standards of safety as set forth by OSHA and the EPA, and conforming to local health department guidelines for food preparation and safety protocols.
Where should I store my placenta pills?
It is recommended to store the pills in the freezer. We deliver the pills in a freezer safe, airtight jar.
What is the recommended dosage?
Take the pills when waking up as they may give you a burst of energy.
The common dosage is 3 capsules, up to 2- 3 times a day for the first 2 weeks. After 2 weeks you can start to decrease the dosage down to 2 pills a day as needed. Some women save the remainder in the back of the freezer for PMS or even menopause.
Is there any time I should NOT take the pills?
Placenta pills should not be taken if the body is fighting off a common cold, flu, or infection. If you should get a breast infection (mastitis), the pills should not be taken until infection is cleared. If symptoms such as chills, fever, sneezing, aches, flushed cheeks, hot palms and feet, or night sweats should occur, stop taking the capsules until the body has fought this off.
What if I have an epidural or a C-section?
It is still safe and beneficial, even if an epidural was administered, or C-section was performed. The placenta acts as a filter, filtering out toxins and sending them back to the mother’s liver to be detoxed from the system. Mothers who have had epidurals or C-sections benefit from the placenta pills just as well as natural birth mothers.
*The information on this page has not been evaluated by the FDA due to the nature of this service. Rebirth and staff make no medical treatment claims. Services provided are not clinical, pharmaceutical, or intended to diagnose or treat any condition. Families who choose to utilize the services on this page take full responsibility for their own health and product usage.
"Having really struggled with nursing for my first two children, I am finally getting to enjoy the experience of an adequate milk supply and overall great nursing experience. The ONLY difference with my third child was the placenta encapsulation. I definitely and highly recommend it!"
-Josie M.
"I have been so pleased with the placenta encapsulation. I decided to do it because of my struggle with post-partum anxiety after the birth of my daughter. In the weeks following this birth I felt so much lighter and had no baby blues this time. My milk supply was tremendous, which was an added bonus. When I went back to work after 12 weeks, I took the pills again and had a smooth transition. I still missed him and wished I were home with him, but I wasn’t crying at my desk or bawling all night thinking I didn’t want to leave him like I did with my daughter. I feel the placenta encapsulation was key to feeling better this time."
-Katharine L.
"I did not have my placenta encapsulated with my first 2 children, and didn't give it a try until my 3rd was born. Postpartum recovery was practically non-existent for me this time around, and although it's anecdotal, I contribute that at least in part to the placenta capsules. I had very little/light bleeding (only needed a pantyliner vs. numerous large pads) which subsided by 4 weeks, no real breakdown/weepy days, and pretty much felt "normal" almost right away (beside the usual newborn-induced tiredness, lol). Now, of course I realize/acknowledge that every mom, every baby, and every birth experience is different, and especially beyond the 1st child, both labor/delivery and recovery tend to usually get a bit easier, but I still believe that my placenta capsules played a role. I felt more hormonally/emotionally stable this time around, and although the transition from 2 to 3 kids felt overwhelming at times, like I said, I really didn't have any breakdowns, whereas with my others, I had plenty of weepy/emotional days/moments."
Sarah H.
"I feel the capsules helped me a lot! I never felt extremely worn out or unable to do what needed to be done after my son was born. There were a couple days before I got the capsules where I felt sluggish and overwhelmed, but once I took the capsules I didn't feel any of that. I feel as though the capsules helped give me my energy and motivation back when I was feeling a bit over worked.
Thank you so much, Joanna, for your help! It really is a great thing that you do, and I'd love to do anything I can to promote encapsulation!" -
- Kathy M.
"Thank you so very much for my placenta capsules Joanna! After suffering from post-natal anxiety with my daughter I was keen to try and avoid it happening again so thought I would give placenta encapsulation a try. Let me just say I have felt much happier and more balanced this time around. I really believe taking the capsules has helped. I've had loads more energy and feel like I've bounced back faster after the birth too."
-Tina P.
"My recovery has been amazing and I really feel that is due in part to the placenta capsules. Recovering from my last birth 2 years ago was hard physically, mentally and emotionally. This time has been dramatically different. The physical healing was quicker (last time it was months before I felt well, this time it was a couple weeks). I have been so much more stable emotionally, which has been the most significant and important difference for both myself and my family. I highly recommend this service!"
- Emily H.