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We are glad you are happy!

We are so glad you are enjoying your services with us. Please help us get the word out by writing a review and/or recording a testimony.

The offers below are for return clients who have used our services at least once. 

We love to hear from you and your reviews help others find us who may need our services! 

Places to review

Leave us a review and receive a free cupping or hot stone add-on each time you do so on one or all of these platforms. Show us the review at check-out to waive the fee for the add -on. 

Click the link above and type in Rebirth Massage to find us on Yelp.

Recorded Testimonial 

Record your testimonial and receive your choice of a free:

  • Herbal Yoni steam

  • Celluma Therapy light therapy

  • Add on to your massage (cupping, extra time, hot stones) 

We are starting to build a video testimonial page on our website and will also post it on social media.


The video can be anywhere from 15- 50 seconds and any combination of answering the questions below:

1. How did you hear about us? 

2. What brought you in?

3. What did you enjoy about your massage or service?

4. Was it painful?

5. What did you like the most?

6. What results have you noticed, if any?

7. What keeps you coming back to us?

Please send the video to 206-883-5899

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